Thursday 11 March 2021

Cycling the Salt Lagoon

Just for a change, we didn’t empty & fill this morning as it wasn’t included in the overnight parking rate. Instead we hit the road early and managed to find a place selling LPG. We filled up and continued onwards to the Aire de Camping Car at Villeneuve-les-Maguelone. The route took up along a narrow spit of land running along the seaward side of a large lagoon. We were hoping for a scenic drive but unfortunately the spit was wider than it looked with a rather boring road along the middle.

We arrived at the Aire in time for coffee. Afterwards we went for a short walk alongside another saltwater lagoon. We returned to Kiki for lunch and got our bikes ready for an afternoon ride.

Our route this afternoon took us across a - this time scenic - dyke between two saltwater lagoons. We then crossed a pontoon bridge over the Canal du Rhône et Sete. This was a swing bridge which could be opened to allow boats to pass along the canal. An interesting feature were the two outboard motors attached to one end of the bridge, one of which was used to open, the other to close.

A little further on we arrived at the beach where we picked up the coast path which we followed into the small town of Palavas-les-Flots. We pottered along the promenade and checked out the boats in the marina before retracing our wheel ruts back to Kiki.

We spent some time sitting outside in the sun before dinner and settling down for the evening.

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