Wednesday 24 February 2021

On the Road Again - Perigueux to Agen (almost)

After having been at home since our return from Greece in October we have decided to take a roadtrip in France.

We had planned to leave mid February but were slightly delayed as Kiki failed her CT (French equivalent of the MOT). This meant I had to purchase and fit a new wheel bearing. Easier said than done - Kiki’s no lightweight so her wheel bearings are substantial. Out came the big tools and after only a little blood letting (bruised knuckles) the steering arm complete with hub was free. A trip to the local garage where the old bearing was pressed out and the new one fitted. Reverse the disassembly (as Mr Haynes so often says) and Bob’s your uncle.

So we set out ridiculously early this morning - up at 6am and on the road an hour later. Why so early you ask? Aha - first stop is Perigueux where we parked in the Aire de Camping Car (no charge as it’s out of season) and headed to the Dordogne Administration office where we had appointments for our French resident permits. These important cards, when they eventually arrive, will allow us to live permanently in France (post Brexit). So photos left, fingerprints taken and parents names given (French beaurocracy at its finest) we returned to Kiki for coffee. At this point Emma realised that she hadn’t packed my coffee filter - so no coffee for me....

We headed off towards Agen, stopping en-route in a picnic area for lunch. We have now stopped for the night in a tiny Aire de Camping Car at St Hilaire-de-Lusignan, which is a few km west of Agen. We squeezed Kiki into a space as far away from the road as possible with a view of the river and went for a short walk around the village. Back for dinner and we settled in for an early night.

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