Friday 26 February 2021

Another Aqueduct and Victualling Day

After a peaceful night we woke to a misty morning. We emptied and filled at the Flot Bleu before heading to Moissac and then a few km further along the river where we parked up next to another aqueduct.

We climbed up to the canal and walked across the aqueduct. It was quiet and peaceful walking beside the canal so we continued until we reached the outskirts of Moissac where we checked out the boats moored in the marina. We worked out - by adding up the distances displayed on and between the locks - that we’d walked over 4 km by the time we got back to Kiki.

After coffee - er no.... Emma had still forgotten my coffee filter so we made do with water and chocolate, we drove to Leclerc in Montauban. Here we managed to purchase a coffee filter (yay - perhaps he’ll stop moaning now!) and filled up Kiki’s LPG tanks. After lunch we drove to Lidl where we did our weekly shopping.

It was still grey and misty so we decided to head to Bruniquel where there is reportedly a very nice Aire de Camping Car. Sure enough, we arrived to find a nicely terraced parking area and a handful of other MH’s. As time went on, more arrived until there were at least a dozen!

We walked up to the village - another of France’s most beautiful - and spent a happy hour or so wandering around the tiny streets surrounded by pretty timber framed buildings. The village sits on a rocky outcrop overlooking the river and perched at the very top are two medieval castles.

We returned to Kiki for our evening meal and settled down for the night.

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