Thursday 25 February 2021

Aqueducts and Hilltop Towns

Refreshed after a good nights sleep and with the sun shining, we hit the road this morning heading into Agen. We found parking (thanks to our trusty Park4Night app) right next to the river Garonne and only a short stroll from the aqueduct which was our destination.

A spiral staircase leads (via an inexplicably locked gate which we climbed over) to a pedestrian bridge across the river and a little further on, a rough track led us up to the canal. The aqueduct, built in 1850’s carries the canal de Garonne over the river Garonne. This 580m long, very impressive structure was built in just three years! We walked across the aqueduct and looped back through the town to Kiki.

After coffee (oh no, Emma’s still forgotten my coffee filter).... erm water and chocolate we set of towards Auvillar which is know as one of the loveliest hilltop villages in France.

We found the dedicated visitor parking in the middle of the village (thanks again to the app) and went walkabouts. Auvillar is a very pretty little village. In the middle of the main square we came across a circular corn exchange which has Tuscan columns and some original corn measuring equipment. This interesting structure is surrounded by beautiful timber framed arcade houses. Set high above the river there is also a great panoramic view from the site of the old castle.

Back to Kiki for lunch and then we headed to St Nicolas de la Grave where we’re stopping for the night. This is another small hilltop village set high  above the Garonne river. We found the Aire de Camping Car and parked for the night. This afternoon we walked around the village and checked out the old chateau (now the Marie) which has an original tower attributed to Richard Coeur de Lion who passed through here on his return from the crusades in the late 12th Century.

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