Saturday 24 March 2012

France Again!

We stopped last night in a layby with a beautiful view across the bay to El Port de la Selva. We ate and as it got dark settled down to read for a while. Around 9pm there was a knock on the door and I looked out to find a policeman. He said we couldn't park there and had to move - I asked him where to and he suggested the town we'd driven through 4km back along the coast.

We tidied up and headed off having no idea where we were going. We drove into the town of Llanca and headed to the port where fortunately we found a large car park with another motorhome in residence. We parked nearby, battened down the hatches and went to bed.

Next morning we got up early and drove  north along the remainder of the Costa Brava

We sneaked back into France - actually the border post was uninhabited so our 12 bottles of exceedingly cheap (€0.75) Spanish plonk went undetected!
Heading towards Perpignian with the snow capped Pyrenees in the distance.

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