Sunday 4 March 2012

Climbing Mount Bartolo

We decided to go back to the Parc Natural del desert de les Palmes today to see if we could find another walking route. We took a different road today and ended up in the middle of the Parc at the information centre. The girl in the information centre was very helpful and gave us a map of the walks and even showed us where they started - it wasn't obvious! I guess the lack of a sign at the start should've given us a clue......

En-route to the Parc we drove through an area with fruit trees - the blossom was beautiful.

The start of walk number one or was it two??

Only one sign so far - at least we're going the right way....

Then we came to a junction of five tracks and it wasn't obvious which was route one - the map said it went to the top of Bartolo so we followed a sign that indicated that way. Our walk turned into a scramble as we followed white & yellow painted stripes (I didn't know you could get striped paint!) up the mountain.

Yay we've reached the top.... then Em spots the white & yellow stripes continuing along the ridge, followed by a sign for Col Del Bartolo.

We continued our rocky scrample up and down along the ridges.

Eventually we made it to the top of the mountain. At 728m this is the highest point in the Parc. The route back was downhill and surprisingly well signposted. We were also treated to a light sprinkling of rain as we neared the end of our four (the guide said two!) hour walk.

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