Sunday 12 September 2010

Mount Isola, Lake Iseo

Today we drove to Iseo and found a perfect parking place in a large carpark on the outskirts of the town - we were sharing it with 10 or more motorhomes and what seemed like *all* of the tourist coaches - it was rather tight but we managed to squeeze Kiki in between a motorhome and a coach! When we returned that evening all the coaches and half of the motorhomes had left so we decided to stay the night here.

We took the ferry to the island, Mount Isola in the lake and managed to walk all the way round its perimeter in 3-4hrs.

One of the villages we passed was setting up for some kind of festival - the streets were covered in evergreens and loud (tinny) music was blaring out.

Views from the island to another (smaller) island - can't remember it's name....

Looking South towards the town of Iseo

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