Saturday 11 September 2010


Today we went to Bergamo - I asked Jane (the satnav) to take us to the old town and so she did - up a very steep cobbled road, round a couple of hairpins and through the archway of the old town wall (bit of a squeeze than one!). We found a space in a carpark and with the back of Kiki in the trees managed to get into the space - it was so tight that when we came to leave I had to drive forward further into the carpark and then reverse out, round a corner and onto the road.

Driving from the city, up the hill and through the old wall you are taken back 500 years to the medieval city. We came the other way in - this bridge would've been too narrow for Kiki.

Exterior staircase leading up to the Palazzo Ragione - the oldest communal palace in Italy

Capella Colleoni - a very ornate mausoleum

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