Sunday 26 September 2010

First impressions of Venice

Yesterday we drove around the Laguna di Venezia from Jesolo to Venice only to discover that the Airee di Sosta at the start of the causeway that was supposed to be €4 for 24hrs was actually scruffy carpark that was now charging €20! Fortunately, when we were exploring around Jesolo, we had spotted a possible (free) parking place at Punta Sabbioni. Unfortunately this meant that we had to retrace our route back to Jesolo and then onwards to the end of the penninsula. All was not lost as we spent a sunny afternoon on the beach and a quiet evening in the company of 10 or more motorhomes in the free carpark.

Today we cycled from the carpark to Punta Sabbioni from where we took the ferry to Venice.

Em on Bacini di San Marco with Piazza San Marco in the background.

Mayhem on the water - if you go for a gondola ride check your travel insurance.... it all looked scary to us!

High tide in Piazza San Marco - the Lemmings cross the bridge

The Canal Grande

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