Saturday 14 May 2011

Melbourne, Australia

We have finally arived in Australia after 36hrs travelling!

We left Devon at midnight on Thursday on the National Express coach to London Heathrow - what a disgusting journey... the coach stank of sweaty feet and then someone was sick all over their seat. Despite the fact that it was 5.30am we were glad to get off at Heathrow bus station. We took a second coach to Terminal 4 where we checked in and waited until our first flight at 09:40.

Our first flight was to Dubai where we had to de-plane for a couple of hours whilst they refuelled etc. The terminal in Dubai was large, airy and rather impressive - large palm trees, spiky golden sun's and space ships hanging from the ceiling!

We re-boarded and continued our journey to Brunei International Cowshed which is small, old & rather scruffy. Fortunately it was only 3hrs here before our next flight. The bad news is we've got a 15hr stopover on the way back and we're wondering if there's anything worth seeing here?

Our third and final flight was to Melbourne where we picked up our hire car and drove to our apartment arriving at around 10pm local time.

Em's suitcase exploded upon opening!

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