Saturday 21 May 2011

Eureka Tower, Melbourne

After a week of work, today we are in Melbourne city centre and have decided to go up the Eureka Tower which is 300m tall and has the highest public vantage point in the southern hemisphere.

Em poses at ground level shortly before we parted with $35 for the ride to the top!

The Eureka Tower from the Royal Botanical Gardens

The top ten floors have windows coated in 24ct gold! There's no camera trickery here.

After shooting to the 88th floor in the fastest lift in the southern hemisphere (the lift travels at 9m/sec - 20mph) we popped our ears and stepped out to a 360 panorama of the city. This view is looking south towards Philip harbour.

....and we'd left our postcards in our apartment.

Em takes it easy at the top - the air is quite thin :-)

The Yarra river and Federation square

The Olympic park with the Dandenong mountains in the distance.

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