Wednesday 19 January 2011

Guggenheim, Bilbao

Today we are visiting the Guggenheim gallery in Bilbao. We left our overnight stop and drove into Bilbao following a GPS from our Camperstop book - the first place we found was miles away from the centre so we tried the second option which turned out to be right on the river and only about 1km from the museum - plus it was free which is more than can be said for the museum which was €11 each and no concessions for teachers :-(

The Guggenheim is plated in 60 tons of 3mm thick titanium - what an amazing building and the exhibitions are good too!

The ground floor has an amazing installation made up of large pieces of steel sheet forming a snake and several helixes which you can walk through.

The first floor has a weird photography/video exhibition which was actually quite funny.

The second floor has a well presented exhibition of paintings by 17 century northern european artists. The exhibition itself was divided into several sections and each section had a nice simple introduction and just a few pictures in a large, well lit space. The overall effect wasn't overwhelming like many galleries which made it far more interesting.

Hello Puppy - Jeff Koons's sculpture is covered in hundreds of Pansy's

Fountains and a funky foggy feature outside the gallery

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