Friday 27 August 2010

Jungfrau Region

We're currently in the Jungfrau Region and have decided to stay on a campsite at the top of the valley above Lauterbrunnen for a week (shock horror!). We've bought a 6 day travel pass to the mountains and plan to go on all routes.

On Wednesday we went up to Manchellin (on a Gondala) via Wengen (by rack railway) from where we walked to Kleine Scheidegg. The panorama of the higher mountains to the south was fab. We then took the rack railway and two trains back down to Lauterbrunnen via Grindelwald.

Yesterday we went to the "Top of Europe" - Jungfraujoch. We couldn't have picked a better day, wall to wall sunshine with clear blue skies. The air at 11,400ft was quite thin which made walking on the snow quite difficult. Although it was very expensive (extra cost on top of the pass we bought) we both agreed it was definately worthwhile. We will post some of the 150 pics we took later.

Today, in marked contrast with yesterday, we have heavy rain so we've come to Interlaken and have just been up the funicular to Harder Kulm. Not much of a view with cloud above and below! We came down in same train and are now in McD's for free Internet - oh and a coke :-)

The sun has just come out (weird this mountain weather) so we're off to the top of another mountain!!

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