Sunday 27 February 2011

La Manga

We left Marjal this morning and drove south towards Cartagena and an Aire where we planned to stay the night. On arrival we found a sign which said €10 for overnight parking. Also it was in a dodgy looking area and there was noone else there so we decided not to stay. Instead we drove along the La Manga penninsula which is an 18km long narrow spit of land which encloses the Mar Menor.

The funky looking tower on the lift-bridge spanning two of the islands

 Veneziola - a man-made cloverleaf shaped lagoon with plots of land for sale. Reminded us of the palm tree in Saudi!

The end of the spit of land where Mar Menor meets the Med

When we arrived there were two other motorhomes. On returning from our walk around we discovered that several more had arrived!

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