Saturday 28 April 2012

Trevithick Day

We've been back in the uk for three weeks now visiting family & friends and making the final preparations for our wedding. The first two weeks were spent on a campsite in Dawlish Warren where, for the pricely sum of £88, we had a comfort pitch complete with power & water connections. (ACSI Club Membership saves us a fortune again!)

We're now in Cornwall for a week catching up with friends, walking and even doing a little sailing. 

Today is Trevithick Day in Cambourne - loads of heavy Engineering that you can see, smell and hear working!!

Feeding the fire

Would you buy a "Steven Roller" from this man?

Wednesday 4 April 2012


After visiting Rocamadour yesterday morning we began the long drive north. We drove to Uzerche where we had stopped in February on our way down through France. We spent last night in the free aire by the river and this morning we set off again heading for Brezolles.

As we were driving through Orleans in heavy traffic I braked and the pedal felt strange. It juddered and then appeared to go down to the floor without doing anything - I pumped the pedal a few times and it seemed to get better - the guy in the car in front looked a little white! As we pulled away there was a horrible grinding noise coming from the front wheel. We stopped to investigate and it was obvious something was wrong with the disc brake pad on one of the front wheels.

We found a car spares shop who directed us to a motorhome accessories shop. The guy there spoke a little English and phoned a Citroen garage in the next village arranging for us to take Kiki there. We drove to the garage and the mechanic took the wheels off and removed what remained of the offending brake pad - it looked as if the friction material had come loose leaving just the metal backing. All of the other pads had several milimeters left so I think the glue on this one had failed.

After several trips into Orleans to get the correct brake pads the mechanic replaced them with shiny new one's. A coupe of hours and €200 lighter we continued on our way.

The village pond at Brezolles next to the aire where we eventually spent the night. Tomorrow we'll drive the last stretch to Calais where we'll fill up with fuel and stock up on cheese & wine ready for our return crossing to the uk on Friday.

Tuesday 3 April 2012


This morning we are in Rocamadour which is a place of pilgrimage on top of a hill. We found the car park at the top and followed a winding path steeply downhill to the Basillica.

The chateau stands on the side of a fort which protected the sanctuary from the West.

In places the chapel is literally build into the rock.

St Michael's chapel and the view of the valley below.

The village has grown up to cater for the needs of the many pilgrims who climb the Grand Stairway to the chapels on their knees - we didn't see anywhere selling knee pads - an opportunity missed perhaps?
Now we're at the bottom we've got to climb back up!

Monday 2 April 2012


This morning we drove the short distance from St Antonin Noble Val to Cahors. On arrival unfortunately we found all three spaces in the free aire to be occupied. I had a rather successful conversation (in French) with the owner of one of the MH's and discovered they were leaving soon.... or was it that the baguettes were fresh this morning...?

Fortunately they were leaving so we took their space and went to explore.

Cahors lies on a large almost 360deg bend of the river Lot meaning it is almost completely surrounded.

Here we have Miss M&S (apart from the Spanish shoes)

The famous Pont Valentre bridge across the river Lot - one of the most photographed bridges in France.

Massively fortified as this was one of the few ways into Cahors

Does my bum look good in this?


Sunday 1 April 2012

Cycling by the river Noble

This afternoon we went for a circular cycle ride beside the river Noble

Very long wiers seem to be a feature of the French rivers

The sides of the valley are high chalk cliffs

Electricity is generated by turbines using the water from the river

Looking across the river to the aire - can you spot Kiki?

The riverside at St Antonin Noble Val

Market Day

Sunday is market day in St Antonin Noble Val.

This tiny village came alive today with people everywhere
Colourful Ceramics